NearBY. Blog about Belarus11

Chernobyl March - Live!

Live coverage from "Charnobylski Shliah", the traditional march of the Belarusian opposition in Minsk

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Please, see the flash map of events here


Some people are moving towards Surganava street. Riot policemen has shut the road near the Academy of Arts.


There are about several thousands people near the Academy of Sciences, including several oppositional politicians.


Several thousands people are moving towards the building of the Academy of Sciences, walking along Nezalezhnasti Avenue.


People begin to gather on the stairs leading to the building of the Academy of Sciences. There are about 200 of them.


Milinkevich is near “TsUM”.


The organisers of the rally are near the “TsUM” department store.


There are about 50 people near “Lido” and “TsUM” department store.


Police constructs metal fences near the “Lido” reastaurant.


The approach to Yakub Kolas square from Victory Square is sealed off.


Yakub square is fully closed to pedestrians.


Policemen have sealed off the Pilarmonic building. They don’t allow anyone to Yakub Kolas square. There are several police buses behind the Philarmonic building. The streets to Kamarouski market are closed.

The metro makes no stops at Yakub Kolas square.

There are abot 100 policemen in plain clothes near the Philarmonic building. Those are sitting on benches.

Kamarouski market is blocked by the police.


Shops are being shut down around Yakub Kolas square, the starting point of the Chernobyl march.

Photos here


«Найбольш ім цікавы Полк Каліноўскага і Офіс Ціханоўскай». КДБ вярбуе актывістаў унутры Беларусі

«Найбольш ім цікавы Полк Каліноўскага і Офіс Ціханоўскай». КДБ вярбуе актывістаў унутры Беларусі

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