NearBY. Blog about Belarus

We Have Seen the Freedom from Afar

The spring’2007 reminded of the spring’1996.

The amount of participants exceeded the prognoses. The opposition has preserved its last year’s mobilizing potential. One should mention, that in 1995, 1997, 2002, and 2005 this potential declines immensely, this time – one year after the elections – it remained constant.

The essential part of the rally participants were people from other parts of Belarus. The essential part of the people in columns, which were cut near the Sports Palace on Masherau Avenue (now Peramozhtsau Avenue), near KGB headquarters on Skaryny Avenue (now Independence Avenue), and on Bahdanovicha street, managed to catch up with the main column. This means they were ready for a much more stubborn middle-term protest. And for the arrests. The presence of specnaz did not scare them, they were used to.

The Freedom Day rally has already become a tradition. This is the day, when the activists are mobilized the most easily.

The authorities haven’t changed their last year’s tactics: no official compromise, threats translated by mass media, power show, increasing the number of policemen, participating in the operation. The preemptive arrests of the opposition leadership and the main activists has already become a normal practice.

The opposition rally was a dull sight – as usual. With long speeches by the unskilled speakers representing every single party and organization. The rally has barely begun, as people were already leaving it.

Yet, the rally finished with a beautiful accord. In order to save Milinkevich from provocations, people surrounded him and his wife and, like a living corridor, followed the couple to the car waiting for them on Yakub Kolas square.

Some others went to the National library risking arrests and made the official concert stop.

This year’s protests were marked by the spirit of optimism and persistance. This somehow reminded of 1996.


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«Найбольш ім цікавы Полк Каліноўскага і Офіс Ціханоўскай». КДБ вярбуе актывістаў унутры Беларусі

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