NearBY. Blog about Belarus66

Who’s the Devil?

Listening to our authorities often gives me shivers.

Listening to our authorities often gives me shivers.

“We are ready to cooperate with the deuce or with the devil, in order to ensure the security of our energy supplies”, said Aliaksandr Lukashenka to the journalists, while voting at a polling booth during this weeks communal elections (the quote from the Interfax news agency, Russia).

Just picture the future headlines of the official press:

“The President and the Satan: Mutual Understanding During the Meeting”

“The Supplies of Boiling Tar and Sulfur are Ensured – No More Cold Winters”

“A Warm Welcome to the Demon Delegation at the Minsk Tractor Plant”


The ideological basis for such a cooperation is already there. The chief Belarusian ideologist Anatoly Rubinov (who also happens to be the first deputy of the Head of the Presidential Administration), recently discovered, that “the so called soul vanishes”, when the brain stops to function. “The soul, separate from the body, flying somewhere in the skies, eternal and imperishable, exists only in our imagination”, writes Rubinov in the largest Belarusian state-owned newspaper “Belarus Today”.

In other words, we surely have no soul. But if there is a devil, we will cooperate with him. That’s the official policy, as it seems.

Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, and a good pal of the Belarusian leader (at least this is what Lukashenka says), once called George Bush “El Diabolo” and put the sign of the cross on himself. If the official ideology provides there is no soul, then there is probably no Heaven and Hell. But there is still Mr. Bush, the Western Devil. Is the cooperation with the West in the field of energy supplies what you mean, Mr. Lukashenka?


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«Найбольш ім цікавы Полк Каліноўскага і Офіс Ціханоўскай». КДБ вярбуе актывістаў унутры Беларусі

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