NearBY. Blog about Belarus11

2007 in Photos

Julia Darashkevich, photo correspondent of Nasha Niva, takes a look at the year’2007.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Nasha Niva called the Young Front Activist the person of the year. The non-presedented pressure, more than a dozen of criminal cases, imprisonment of Artur Finkevich, one of the leaders of Young Front...

Artur Finkevich on trial

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
President Lukashenka ordered to cancel most privileges to children, pensioners and other groups of people. Act of protest.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The act of vandalism of the year – od Grodna buildings are being destroyed

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Traditional parade under the motto "Thank you, dear President, for our happy childhood"

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Archbishop Tadeush Kandrusevich (left) returns to his native Belarus after 16 years of ministry in Russia

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The unique action of solidarity – prominent blogger Zhanna Yamaykina raised
$ 7,000 in order to release political prisoner Dzianis Dzianisau (on photo) on bail.
The money was donatedy by famous politicians as well as common internet users.
The story, however, was marred by the fact that, having received the bail back, Dzianisau delayed paying it back to the donators.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Driven into desperation by the absurd state regulations, sole traders take to the streets again

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The most extravagant politician of the year – Viktar Ivashkevich. He wrote letters to Lukashenka, proposed to have a congress of the oppositional party Belarusian People’s Front on October Square, was taken by police to a sobering-up centre after celebrating his birthday, ran for chairmanship of Belarusian People’s Front...

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
A crew of Belarusian pilots died in a crash in Somali

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Belarusian national football team lost to the national team of Luxembourg, all players of which are amateurs.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The religious festivities in Budslau enjoyed especially high attendance this year

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Today Belarus marked the sad anniversary – 70 years ago Stalin’s repressions have reached their climax...

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
October revolution took place 90 years ago

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
René van der Linden, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe visited Minsk. The main purpose of his visit was "discussing the ways of promoting constructive dialogue and cooperation between the parliament of Belarus and PACE"

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The European March turned out to be very peaceful – there was no police, that is why young people have blocked the main avenue in Minsk

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
However, during the Social March its participants scuffled with each other

Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Both “young” Mihalevich and “old” Vyachorka have lost during the elections of the new leader of the party of Belarusian People’s Front. As a result, Lyavon Barshcheuski agreed to become the new leader in order to reach a compromise.

Triumpg of Belarusian propaganda – Belarus gets into the final of the Europvision pop song contest for the first time.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
Belarusians win the children Eurovision music contest for the second time

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The first concert of rock group “Krama” in five years. Pop star Ina Afanasyeva turned out to be “Krama’s” fan. Actually, soon they will even be able to sing on the same stage – the chief Belarusian ideologist promised to get rid of the “blacklist” of musicians, which are prevented from performing in Belarus for political reasons.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
The city authorities in Minsk wanted to create a luxury hotel in the former monastery or Bernardines. This decision caused active protests of cburch-goers as well as civil activists. Prayers are often held in front of the former monastery complex.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
"Free Theatre" has all chances to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the first theatre which was arrested together with its audience. Riot police stormed the room, where “Free Theatre” performed. Some 50 people – actors and spectators – were taken to a police station.

. Photo by Julia Darashkevich
White-red-white flag appeared on one of Minsk buildings on the New Year’s eve

Юлiя Дарашкевiч

1:59, 31 сьнежня 2007


«Мае сілы скончыліся»: Валярына Кустава расказала, чаму збірае на дапамогу сваёй сям'і18

«Мае сілы скончыліся»: Валярына Кустава расказала, чаму збірае на дапамогу сваёй сям'і

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«Мае сілы скончыліся»: Валярына Кустава расказала, чаму збірае на дапамогу сваёй сям'і18

«Мае сілы скончыліся»: Валярына Кустава расказала, чаму збірае на дапамогу сваёй сям'і

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